Cat Emergency Surgery in Prosper, TX

What to Do If You Need Cat Emergency Surgery in Prosper, TX

At McKinney Emergency Veterinary Clinic, we know that your cat is more than a pet. They’re a member of your family. And we know emergencies can happen anytime. That’s why we’re here to help when your cat is sick or injured. Our clinic offers after-hours emergency cat surgery for pet owners in Proper, TX. 


When Does My Cat Need Emergency Care?

Just like humans, cats can experience sudden illness or trauma. But it can sometimes be hard to know when they need urgent medical attention. Here are some signs that you should bring your feline friend in for a visit to the emergency cat vet:

  • Bleeding
  • Burns 
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Excessive panting, lethargy, and distress
  • Frequent diarrhea/vomiting
  • Excessive panting, lethargy, and distress
  • Injuries, bites, or wounds
  • Pain or discomfort (crying when being touched)
  • Paralysis 
  • Seizure
  • Suspected poisoning
  • Swelling
  • Unconsciousness 
  • Urinary blockage 


What if My Cat Needs Emergency Surgery?

If you observe any of the symptoms listed above, contact McKinney Emergency Veterinary Clinic as soon as possible. Fast action is essential, especially if your cat needs emergency surgery.

We will perform lab tests such as blood work and urinalysis to determine the best treatment plan for your beloved cat. Dr. Pierotti will give you a detailed explanation and answer all of your questions. Our state-of-the-art hospital provides after-hours emergency care, and our facilities include a post-operative recovery area and an intensive care unit (ICU). Our compassionate and experienced team will monitor your cat around the clock to ensure the best recovery possible. 

We understand how stressful it is when your pet is ill and welcome you to call for updates at any time.


How Do I Take Care of My Cat After Surgery?

  • Keep your cat warm and comfortable in a quiet room.
  • Make sure your cat has access to fresh water.
  • You can offer your cat half their regular meal a few hours after arriving home. If your kitty eats and seems hungry, you can give the rest of the meal about one hour later. 
  • If your cat has a protective cone, keep it on and ensure your cat doesn’t lick or chew the incision. 
  • Monitor the incision. It should be clean, and the edges should be touching.

You should contact the emergency cat vet if you notice any of the following:

  • Blood draining that continues for more than 24 hours or is excessive
  • Swelling or redness of the skin
  • A foul smell or discharge


How to Schedule Cat Emergency Surgery Near Me

We hope your cat never has a life-threatening injury or illness. But, if you need us, our highly-trained and caring team is here for pet owners in Prosper, TX, at McKinney Emergency Veterinary Clinic.

If your cat needs urgent care, call us immediately at 469-820-0233 or come straight to our clinic.