Veterinary Digital X-Rays
in McKinney, Texas
At McKinney Emergency Veterinary Clinic, we understand how stressful pet emergencies can be and are committed to providing the highest level of care and service. Our cutting-edge technology, including digital x-ray imagery, provides us with invaluable diagnostic information while minimizing our furry patients' discomfort. We are all about delivering speedy, targeted treatments for the best possible outcomes!
Veterinary Digital X-Rays Overview
Digital radiography continues to be a gamechanger in the field of veterinary medicine. The low-radiation technology delivers two-dimensional, detailed images of the pet's chest, abdominal cavity, and bony structures, providing a valuable diagnostic tool if the companion animal is ill or after an injury.
The following are some of the reasons your trusted team at McKinney Emergency Veterinary Clinic chooses digital x-rays over traditional x-ray technology:
Faster and Easier for Your Pet: Traditional x-ray films add stress and are time-consuming, with each image requiring the use of a lengthy process. Your furry friend will need to remain still while already uncomfortable, and then we have to wait for the processing of the film. If your pet moves, we may need to take more x-rays to produce clearer images. Digital x-rays, on the other hand, provide detailed images immediately after exposure. Moreover, we can adjust the pet's position and take more images right away if needed, without ever moving your pet off the table. That helps minimize any pain or discomfort. With digital x-rays, we can obtain images, diagnose, and start treatment within minutes!
Exceptional Image Quality: When it comes to traditional film x-rays, it isn't always easy to get a clear read. Moreover, we aren't able to zoom in or adjust the brightness of an image as is possible with digital x-rays. Using digital radiology helps provide incredibly detailed images, allowing for more precise diagnosis and treatment planning and enhancing overall patient care.
Less Radiation Exposure: Digital x-rays expose our four-legged patients and our staff members to less radiation than the traditional x-rays' already low amounts of radiation. The advanced technology requires fewer retakes, which translates to less radiation exposure. Moreover, the innovative digital sensors are much more responsive than conventional x-ray film, so they require up to 70 percent less radiation while producing higher quality images.
More Convenient: With digital radiography, we are able to store the images digitally for easy access and viewing. Moreover, we can email the x-ray images to companion animal’s primary veterinarian or a specialist quickly and conveniently. Unlike traditional radiography, nobody will be handling the x-rays, so there won't be any degradation or potential damage over time.
Veterinary Digital X-Rays Near Me
If your precious pet experiences an emergency after hours, your trusted team at McKinney Emergency Veterinary Clinic in McKinney, TX, is here to help. Our team is committed to utilizing the latest diagnostic technology, including digital radiography, to obtain high-quality images, diagnose, and start treatment right away! We are all about providing our furry patients with the highest level of care for the best possible treatment outcomes!
Please call 469-820-0233 immediately or head our way if your pet requires after-hours emergency care!